Well here is my blog entry for today.
Today was a bit more exciting as opposed to yesterday. This picture is of a wreck that caused us to be stuck in traffic for a bit. A semi truck over turned, but I heard that no one was hurt. I would feel really morbid if I were posting this and someone died. >.>;
Anyway, other than that, I hung out with my friend Sidney. She and I decided to start vlogging. We made our first one today, but I still have to review the footage we shot and edit things in and out. Will post it soon though. Make sure to add us on youtube and keep an eye out for our posts. http://www.youtube.com/user/sidnleaf?feature=mhum
Other than that, took care of some stuff at school and for my externship that I need for my degree. That's about it. :)
Today was a bit more exciting as opposed to yesterday. This picture is of a wreck that caused us to be stuck in traffic for a bit. A semi truck over turned, but I heard that no one was hurt. I would feel really morbid if I were posting this and someone died. >.>;
Anyway, other than that, I hung out with my friend Sidney. She and I decided to start vlogging. We made our first one today, but I still have to review the footage we shot and edit things in and out. Will post it soon though. Make sure to add us on youtube and keep an eye out for our posts. http://www.youtube.com/user/sidnleaf?feature=mhum
Other than that, took care of some stuff at school and for my externship that I need for my degree. That's about it. :)
2/25/2011 10:11:00 PM |
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